Natural toothpaste that you can prepare at home


Proper care for the teeth is extremely important, especially for children. It is not only about instilling appropriate hygiene habits in the youngest, but also about the fact that children's milk teeth are the most vulnerable to caries. If untreated, it can also cover the pulp and dentin or, worse still, it can be transferred to permanent teeth. For this reason, teeth should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly from an early age. But are the pastes available in stores really a good choice?

Natural toothpastes

eco toothpasteIt is becoming louder and louder about the fact that even the most popular toothpastes contain substances that do not really have a positive effect on our health. It is enough to mention fluorine, which is very controversial. If you are not an expert in this field, it is very difficult to distinguish between a valuable product and one that can harm us, especially when the paste is to be used by a child. Therefore, it is worth taking some time to create a toothpaste for the whole family, using only natural ingredients. It is not as difficult as it might seem, and the effectiveness of such homemade pastes is really surprising.

Healthy toothpaste without fluoride

healthy teeth natural toothpasteCertainly every parent has already heard about the fact that too much fluoride can harm our children and cause various types of allergies. Therefore, in order to prevent such consequences of using pastes containing fluorine, it is advisable to take advantage of the provisions for pastes without this ingredient.

A good base of natural toothpastes is, for example, bentonite clay, which only needs to be combined with other ingredients to create a perfectly functioning toothwash powder. So what do we need to do to make a larger portion of such a specificity? Among the ingredients should be included:

  • 4 tablespoons of bentonite clay
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda, ground cinnamon and sea salt (previously crushed in a mortar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon carnation powder
  • 1,5 teaspoon of stevia powder

All these ingredients need only to be mixed together in order to obtain a highly effective tooth cleaning powder, even for small children. It copes well with thorough cleaning of teeth and dental plaque abrasion and of course it has an antibacterial effect. It has no specific taste, but if you want the powder to have for example a herbal aftertaste, you can add dried sage and dried raspberry leaves to the clay and soda.

Coconut oil instead of toothpaste

coconut oil for teethThe fantastic properties of coconut oil have been mentioned for a long time, but not everyone knows that it also has a very positive effect on our teeth. First of all, regular use of this oil can make your teeth much whiter in a relatively short time. Without the use of chemistry or expensive treatments, we can whiten the teeth and make our smile even more beautiful.

This is not all, however, because, according to research, the use of coconut oil on a daily basis also affects the general condition of our oral cavity. It will take three weeks for coconut oil to reduce the amount of deposits on teeth and the bacteria that cause tooth decay. The condition of the gums also improves significantly, which unfortunately are too often forgotten.

It is also worth noting that, contrary to popular opinion, the purchase of coconut oil and creating a toothpaste based on it is not particularly expensive at all. Remember to choose organic oil, i.e. unrefined oil. The methods of obtaining such a product do not change the structure of fats, which are responsible for its excellent properties.

Toothpaste based on coconut oil

natural toothpasteCreating a toothpaste based on coconut oil is extremely easy. It is enough for us to do that:

  • 1/4 glass of coconut oil,
  • 1/2 glass of baking soda,
  • about 5 tablespoons of xylitol
  • a teaspoon of natural oil (for example, mint oil)

All these ingredients need only be thoroughly mixed together so that they have a homogeneous consistency and the paste is ready for use.

Very importantly, we don't have to worry about the fact that due to the presence of natural ingredients, our paste breaks down quickly. Coconut oil has a shelf life of two years and other products simply do not spoil, so you can keep the paste in any container in the bathroom without worrying.

Where to buy the necessary ingredients?

At present, we should not have any problems with access to the natural ingredients mentioned above. Just enter the appropriate phrase in the search engine to find online shops offering such products. Of course, you can also ask about them in pharmacies, herbal shops or those selling natural cosmetics. The most important thing is to make sure in all cases that the products we buy are actually organic, because it is this feature that guarantees that they are effective and have no negative impact on our health. It is therefore worth spending a little more time choosing the right ones.


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