What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body?


Magnesium is a very valuable element, responsible for the proper functioning of the body. It activates more than 300 enzymes used by cells in various life processes. The state of the immune system and the efficiency of the nervous, bone, digestive and cardiovascular systems depend on its level. Magnesium takes part in the synthesis of fatty acids, protects pregnant women from miscarriage, affects the health of the child, prevents obesity. Magnesium is rightly associated with beneficial effects on the nervous system, has a calming and relaxing effect, lowers blood pressure.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

Modern feeding style is far from healthy. We eat too many highly processed foods, poor in magnesium, we give up the diet rich in fruit and vegetables, which provide the greatest amount of this element in the unchanged state.

The second reason for magnesium deficiency is the consumption of large quantities of coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol and narcotics. At the same time, we are not inclined to limit sucrose (white sugar), which has an additional adverse effect on magnesium uptake. It is worth noting that the level of magnesium in the body is reduced under the influence of addictive substances, including sugar, alcohol, coffee. The more difficult it is to dispense with harmful products, the more difficult it is to restore the correct amount of magnesium.

magnesium leaching products Another group of foods that cause magnesium loss are products containing saturated fatty acids, i.e. meat, sausages rich in fat, fatty dairy products, coffee creams, etc. The products that cause magnesium loss are also products that contain saturated fatty acids, i.e. meat, sausages rich in fat, fatty dairy products, coffee creams, etc. Acids prevent the connection of magnesium ion with amino acids and its transfer to the circulatory system.

Excessive supply of calcium is also the cause of magnesium loss. Let us remember that calcium and magnesium remain particularly dependent on each other. The more calcium we supply, the more magnesium we lose and vice versa. Similarly, one should also be careful when taking too much protein, because such a diet requires an increased amount of magnesium intake.

Magnesium is also lost by consuming large amounts of fibre contained in bran and wholegrain cereal products. Dietary fiber is known to perfectly cleanse the intestines from deposits, but it also cleanses the body of valuable minerals, including magnesium.

Significant mineral losses result in the intake of antibiotics, cytostatic drugs, anabolic drugs, sleeping drugs, antidepressants, psychotropes, as well as oral contraception or hormone replacement therapy.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

symptoms of magnesium deficiency The most readable signal of too low content of magnesium in the body is the intensification of all kinds of anxiety, aggression, irritation, hysterical states, the appearance of depression, hypochondria. Derivatives include chest pain, fainting, dizziness, tremor and muscle cramps, spinal pains, tingling, cramps, stings. The appearance of these symptoms should be followed by an immediate reaction, as discontinuation of treatment will only exacerbate this condition. Excessive stress and nervousness are conducive to magnesium atrophy, which, in turn, exacerbates worrying symptoms, so a closed circle is formed.

Magnesium deficiency can cause allergic symptoms. People suffering from asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, migraines and other allergy-related conditions, most often also suffer from magnesium deficiency. The opposite phenomenon is also noticeable, i.e. the lack of this element may contribute to the appearance of diseases associated with allergies.

Lack of magnesium in the body can cause calcification of cartilage, stiffness of joints, dental caries, osteoporosis and osteopenia, i.e. bone system ailments. Bones and teeth are weakened and more susceptible to fractures. Remember that the condition of our bones and teeth is affected not only by calcium, but in the vast majority of cases the health of the skeletal system depends on the content of magnesium.

A common symptom of magnesium deficiency is anaemia. Anemia is recorded in about 10% of people suffering from deficiency of this element.

Lack of magnesium also slows down the intestines and, as a result, problems with emptying.

Lack of the element responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system causes an increase in the number of infections and diseases.

People suffering from magnesium deficiency can observe weakening of nails and hair. It is thanks to the examination of hair that one can see whether the level of magnesium in the body is correct, or whether it needs to be supplemented.

Another sign of too low magnesium content in the body may be fluorosis, i.e. excess fluorine and simultaneous magnesium deficiency. Fluoride is needed in small quantities, its excess is very harmful. It changes the metabolism and distribution of magnesium and calcium, which causes weakening of bones and teeth.

Painful menstruation due to lack of magnesium Women who lack magnesium more often suffer from premenstrual syndrome, hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, and more often experience miscarriages.

Another negative effect of magnesium deficiency on a woman's health is the severe course of menopause. The presence of magnesium stabilizes the level of estrogen in the blood, so its proper level helps to alleviate the symptoms characteristic for this difficult period in a woman's life.


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