Wheat belly - how to get rid of it?


wheat bellyWe try to maintain a healthy diet, play sports, and yet our bodies often differ from the ideal image we would like to achieve. How does it happen that even though we try harder than our grandparents or parents, we are struggling with overweight and tens of centimetres in our waist, far exceeding the norm?

The secret of our grandparents

slim figureToday, great emphasis is placed on maintaining a slim, attractive to the eye silhouette. The most often indicated way to achieve success is sport, all kinds of movement and appropriate diet.

Sometimes we look at elderly people who are not very keen on running, aerobics or getting rid of their fixed menu items from the fridge, and yet their overweight is not as significant as the overweight of young people who seemingly live healthily.

The average weight of active women in recent times was about 55 kg, the weight of men, usually not exceeding 80 kg. Today's 20 - 30 kg body weight more can't be called a subtle difference. And what about children and young people who kill up to 100 kg, although they haven't even finished junior high school yet?

It seems that sport itself, or a diet based on fruit and vegetables, is not a secret that hides behind the slender appearance of our ancestors. There are many indications that the fault of our infinite struggle with overweight is the genetically modified plants, the wheat we consume in huge quantities, which is no longer what it used to be.

Genetically modified production

wheatIn order to satisfy the hunger of millions of consumers at the lowest possible cost, the companies have developed work to change the characteristics of wheat, which "weakened the plant", causing excessive losses. The result of research and human interference in nature is a product that is nothing like wheat in its natural form.

For many medical professionals, it is clear that the wheat we consume today is not only a source of obesity, but also other serious health problems.

The negative impact of wheat on human health has already been well documented. Thanks to this we learn that this genetically modified plant is responsible for unnatural stimulation of appetite, increasing blood sugar levels, which causes alternate passage through the phases of overflow and feeling of hunger.

effect of wheat on the organismWheat triggers glycation processes, which are the primary cause of faster aging of the body. Consuming it leads to inflammation, acidification of the body, which in turn leads to damage to the cartilage and bones. Finally, wheat disturbs the immune response of the body.

The well-known effects of feeding mankind with something similar to wheat are celiac disease (a disease that develops as a result of wheat gluten), neurological disorders, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, irritation, rashes, allergies, and even schizophrenic delusions.

Wheat-free organism

Elimination of wheat from the daily diet is an unusual gift that we can give to ourselves and our loved ones. Already the first months of avoiding this product yield very good results in terms of weight and waist circumference among the people surveyed.

Unusual, pro-healthy effects of wheat displacement can be observed by people suffering from diabetes or heart diseases, i.e. diseases which are most often the result of obesity. Loss of 10 - 20 kilograms in a few months results in an almost immediate increase in vitality and improved health.

coeliac disease and wheatWe rarely realize how little we need to get rid of the enormous discomfort and suffering, but even the painful pains in the joints can be caused by eating wheat. Such illnesses can also be eliminated by eliminating the grain that destroys us.

If you feel that despite your efforts, active lifestyle, healthy eating style, you still have some illnesses or you eat, although from a logical point of view, you should not - remove from your menu foods containing wheat. The problem that prevents you from squeezing into last year's clothes will disappear by yourself.


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