itarianism - a diet not for everyone


Vitarianism is a particularly restrictive diet. People who follow it do not eat anything that is heated to more than 42oC. Cold foods that have already been prepared, i.e. processed or heated to a temperature above this temperature, may not be consumed either.

Where did the philosophy of vitarians come from?

Raw products Keeping to the vitarian diet (also known as the "raw diet") ensures that the food we eat has retained all the nutrients necessary for life, including minerals and enzymes. Heating food to a temperature exceeding 42oC causes the enzymes to be destroyed.

Raw dishes on the table

Vitarians reject everything that needs to be fried in hot fat or processed in hot water. The acceptable temperature in this diet is close to our body temperature. That is not much when it comes to food. The food is lukewarm and the processing at room temperature makes it almost raw.

So how do vitarians prepare their meals?

They use a dehydrator instead of a traditional oven. This device is like a food dryer. Processing takes place at a temperature set by the user. It is suitable for consumption, but the dishes are almost raw. The cost of such a machine is similar to the price of an oven, ranging from 750 PLN to 1 750 PLN.

The machine can be used to prepare meals similar to ordinary dishes (such as cakes, pizza, etc.). Products for the preparation of vitarian dishes are not the cheapest. The price of a single product may vary up to several dozen to several dozen zlotys.

As a vitamin you practically agree to give up meat dishes. Raw meat is neither tasty nor healthy. You will not eat raw eggs either. Not subjecting them to heat treatment, not only impoverishes their taste, it can expose us to serious diseases, such as salmonella.

For people for whom diet is a philosophy of life, most often such limitations do not hinder. Most of them are vegetarians and vegans, i.e. a group of people who do not eat meat in any form for moral reasons and not for taking care of their health.

Products valued by vitarians

food without meat Vitarians give up meat. They replace this part of the diet with fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds, nuts, peanut butter, cold-pressed oil and unpasteurised honey. This philosophy assumes that everything that is unprocessed, close to nature, is the most beneficial for the health of the body. Foods closed in jars or cans are foods that vitarians do not use.

itarianism from time to time

Dietary vitarians apply it continuously, 24 hours a day. And what if you can't deny yourself even a warm drink?

This diet can improve our wellbeing and health even if it is used only partially. As Vitarians convince us, you don't have to stick to this diet all the time. If we can't find cool juices or sheikhs in the morning, we can stay with warm tea. It is important to include in the diet as many meals as possible in accordance with the "raw" diet. Any amount of meals prepared at low temperatures, according to the Witarians, increases our chances for health.

A diet that slimmes down

Slimming diet The consumption of foods characteristic of vitarianism, veganism and vegetarianism always leads to a decrease in weight. Such a diet does not contain ingredients that are difficult for the body to assimilate, or that disturb metabolism and, as a result, cause the accumulation of fat.

Vitarian diet should be introduced after preparation of the body. The most common are vegetarians or vegans. In this way, the body is already accustomed to a different style of nutrition. Let us remember that vitarianism is a restrictive diet and it is difficult to accept it and, more importantly, to persevere in it, without a prior introduction, somehow from the march.

Diet too restrictive to gain the recognition of nutritionists

This diet very much limits the number of products consumed, so it can cause deficiencies. The mere fact that zoonotic products are completely abandoned may cause certain disturbances in the body's economy. In our country this philosophy of nutrition does not have too many followers. The first reason is the heavy burden on household finances, the diet is associated with high costs of purchasing products suitable for consumption without heat treatment. The second reason is our attachment to the traditional way of life. We are a rather distrustful, cautious and moderate population when it comes to introducing novelties into our own lives. Moreover, many of us cannot imagine Sunday's dinner without pork and hot potatoes.


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