Almond milk - why is it worth drinking?


Almond milkAlmond milk, like soy milk or rice milk, is an excellent alternative for people who do not like cow's milk or are allergic to lactose. Although the names of these liquids sound similar, they differ in taste. Taste and nutritional values clearly speak in favour of almond milk. This milk is sweet in taste and slightly nutty. To some it resembles marzipan. It tastes very good when combined with breakfast cereals, coffee or just by itself. This is a great proposal for small messengers.

Ideal milk for people allergic to lactose

almond milk for domestic useAlmond milk was used by housewives to prepare various dishes already in the Middle Ages. This was due to the longer shelf life of cow's milk than is the case with cow's milk. Although its history is so long, currently it is not very popular in Poland. This can be attributed to the fairly high "shop" price for this product.

Meanwhile, almond milk is one of the favourite products of vegans, as well as a great choice for people allergic to lactose. Almond milk does not contain it. There is also no casein in its composition, it can also be consumed by people allergic to gluten. It is also an excellent product for people who are allergic to soya.

Although in most cases almond milk is allergenic, people who are allergic to nuts should watch out for it.

Composition of almond milk

Consume 100 ml of almond milk:

protein - 0,4g
carbohydrates - 0,1g
lactose - 0g
fats - 1,1g
saturated - 0,1g
cholesterol - 0g
fibre - 0,4g
sodium - 0,05g
calcium - 120 mg

Vitamins contained in almond milk:

riboflavin - 0,21 mg
D2 - 0,75µg
E - 1,80 mg

The energy value of 100 ml of almond milk is only 13 kcal.

Almond milk - properties and effects on health

As we have already mentioned, almond milk does not contain cow's milk casein, a hard-to-digestible protein. Casein is considered to be the cause of heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome or schizophrenia.

Health effects of almond milk

Compared to soy milk and rice milk, it also performs better, due to the greater richness of vitamins and minerals. Soy milk is a source of proteins, but does not contain as much vitamins and minerals as almond milk. It is often artificially supplemented with lime and vitamin D. Similarly, rice milk is characterised by a poorer composition.

Almond milk is a source of magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. It also contains large amounts of vitamin E and vitamins E, A, D, riboflavin, Omega-3 fatty acids and fibre.

Thanks to this, almond milk effectively protects our immune system, has an antioxidant effect and regulates cholesterol levels.

The content of vitamin A helps to take care of eye health, e.g. by improving the process of adaptation to changes in light intensity.

Vitamin D multiplies new, healthy cells in the body.

Calcium and magnesium strengthen our bones and teeth, take care of our nervous system and make it easier to fall asleep.

Almond milk has a low glycemic index. All sugars are easily digestible. However, milk is sometimes sweetened or enriched with the taste of vanilla or chocolate.

This drink is a great antioxidant. It cleanses the body of toxins and has a preventive effect against the formation of cancer cells. Thanks to its flavonoid content, almond milk has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

It is a very good product for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. It does not contain cholesterol or saturated fatty acids. On the other hand, it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to eliminate bad cholesterol from blood. This allows the arteries to be cleaned. Almond milk, thanks to its sodium and potassium content, regulates blood pressure.

How to make almond milk at homeAlmond milk is very helpful in weight loss, slows down the aging process and helps to eliminate the symptoms of Alzhaimer's disease. In addition, it has a positive effect on the condition of our skin. This is due to vitamin E, which protects cells from damage and consequently delays the aging process.

Alkalizing action of almonds translates into soothing effect of almond milk on the gastrointestinal tract. This milk is a good solution for people suffering from ulcers, hyperacidity and gastroesophageal reflux.

Provision for almond milk

How to make almond milk? The easiest way to get almond milk at home is to use a juice squeezer. If we don't have one, we can prepare them with the help of a blender. How to do it?

We need it:

  • 1,5 cup (220 g) of unsalted and uncooked almonds
  • 1 l of filtered still water
  • vanilla stick or ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.

almond milk at homeImmerse the almonds in water and soak all night long. Drain and blend with a litre of still water. Add vanilla to taste.

If you want to get sweet almond milk, you can add some honey or maple syrup.

The resulting pulp must be squeezed through a gauze. Milk can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Almond milk is a great addition to breakfast cereals, pancake cake, cocktails and coffee.