from doctor to cookThe Polish bookshop market abounds in guides to healthy lifestyle and various diets. For the most part, their authors are well-known people from the world of media or trainers and nutritionists. Books written by physicians, which would bring the secrets of a healthy life and nutrition closer to the readers, in an accessible way, are an extraordinary rarity. One of the few publishing gems is the book "From doctor to cook" by Dr. Danuta Myłek.

A recipe for healthy meals

health handbooksThe extraordinary popularity of guides on healthy diet indicates a growing awareness of the impact of nutrition on quality of life and life expectancy among Poles. The more valuable seems to be a book dedicated to readers by a doctor, an allergologist, Mrs. Danuta Myłek. Her vast knowledge and many years of medical experience are the basis for the contents of the guide.

The book "From doctor to cook" is a unique combination of medical advice and culinary recipes. It subtly introduces order, understanding of healthy eating and respect for one's own health into the kitchen.

The book The author addresses her words primarily to people struggling with allergies, obesity, heart diseases, cancer, rheumatics and diabetics. But these are not the only recipients of the guide. The book was written with adults, youth, children and babies in mind. Everyone who cares about their own health and the health of their loved ones will find a source of inspiration and knowledge in it.

Diseases that require a certain discipline in the selection of ingredients are a challenge for the whole family. When one of the household members cannot afford to savour a chosen dish, often the rest of the people also give up certain dishes in solidarity. Such people can find an effective solution to this problem in Danuta Myłek's book.

How to combine food ingredients? Which of them and in what amounts should be consumed in order to enjoy full health? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the guide "From doctor to cook". The author also discusses extensively individual groups of foods, their usefulness for the body and the way they are used in everyday diet. Thanks to the suggestions contained in the book, the preparation of popular dishes without the addition of wheat flour, milk, eggs or sugar will be banally simple!

The book, which can change so much in the kitchen for the better, can be purchased in the store of the Academy of Vitality

Dr. Danuta Myłek - a trustworthy doctor

Dr. Danuta MylekIntroducing a proper diet is a very responsible task, especially in the case of people struggling with various ailments. We recommend Dr. D. Myłek's book with a clear conscience to all, especially to those who are ill and need a professional approach more than others.

Dr. Danuta Myłek is a specialist in allergology and dermatology. She practices in Stalowa Wola. He is a well-known figure in the medical community and not only that. It has been disseminating knowledge about allergies for 30 years, both among doctors and midwives, as well as among people who are not connected with the medical environment. Consultant for allergology of Podkarpackie Voivodeship, director of allergy clinic "ALERGIA" in Stalowa Wola with a branch in Tarnobrzeg, as well as the owner of the Allergy Centre "PROGRES".

Making society aware of allergic diseases and their impact on our lives is one of the mission of the author of the book "From doctor to cook". Her great merit is the training carried out among primary school teachers and kindergartens in the field of psycho-emotional consequences and learning difficulties caused by poor or no treatment of allergies.

Dr. Danuta Myłek is a guest at local and national TV stations, promoting a healthy eating style.

The author is also one of the first doctors who, 21 years ago, started a great promotion of breastfeeding. According to their thesis, breast milk is one of the effective ways to prevent allergies, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Dr. Danuta MylekThe distinction for our country is the fact that Dr. Danuta Myłek, as the only representative of Poland, became a member of the American College of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology - an allergological scientific organization and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the Polish Society of Allergology, the Polish Society of Dermatology, the Polish Medical Society - Psychosomatic Medicine Section. As one of our three doctors in the past 40 years, she was a member of the board of the Swiss Foundation for Allergy Research in Europe, which cooperates with the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.

To such a rich biography should be added the management of an allergology center at a world-class level. All the tests used in the leading countries in this respect are carried out there, among them: point tests, intradermal, epidermal classic, epidermal atopic tests, prick-prick, specific IgE, desensitization: mites, plant pollen, moulds. Thanks to tests carried out in the centre, it is possible to establish an individual diet for allergy sufferers as well as obese people, people suffering from rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases and many others.

healthily balanced dietDr. Danuta Myłek treats patients in Poland and abroad. Investigates the influence of toxic and allergenic effects of fungi on the formation of allergies and other health consequences, including anaemia, obesity, diabetes, pancreatic, thyroid, stomach, intestines and psoriasis, autism and other diseases. It is especially important to emphasize its help to children affected by autism, ADHD, or bed-wetting.

The author of the guide recommended by us privately has a lot of passions, but the greatest is the passion for her own profession and the willingness to help others. This is a worldly person with a good command of three languages. In the city with which she is permanently connected, she is a well-known entrepreneur and social worker. In 2005 she was awarded the title of the Woman of the Year of Podkarpacie in the field of "Medicine and Science".


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