Few people know that currants are not only very healthy, but also have many caring properties. They contain large amounts of pectins, so they support the appropriate level of cholesterol and sugar in our bodies. In addition, the polyphenols present in them have a soothing effect on menstrual pains. The currant care effect is great for people with oily and acneous skin, as they contain vitamin C, iron, tannins and PP, i.e. ingredients that have an antibacterial, toning and astringent effect.

Red currant - properties

Currants support the heart and circulatory system

There is a huge source of potassium in currants, as it is as much as 275 mg in just 100 g, which is irreplaceable in the prevention and treatment of hypertension. Redcurrants also contain vitamin PP, which regulates cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis-related diseases. Both black and red currants also have a cleansing effect, which focuses on removing free radicals from blood vessels.

Soothing effect on gastro-intestinal disorders

The abundance of pectins, i.e. soluble fibre, makes the action of red currants on intestinal work enormous. They not only help them to function properly, but also ensure that they are cleaned of harmful substances. Physiotherapists also recommend them when heartburn or liver-related diseases occur. In addition, they are invaluable when children or elderly people have no appetite because they increase appetite.

Helps relieve menstrual pain

This advantage of currants is due to the presence of ellagic acid, which, as an active ingredient of these fruits, has an analgesic and, what is interesting, even calming effect.

Currants control blood sugar

Thanks to the dentists, which contain a large amount of sugar, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream in such large quantities.

red currant

Blackcurrant - properties and performance

Ribes nigrum, or blackcurrant, is a source of health. Traditional folk medicine used it to treat rheumatism, arthritis, tonsillitis and other respiratory diseases. However, the juice from these fruits helps with migraine, stomach problems and general tiredness of the body. Nowadays, it is believed that currants are helpful when anaemia occurs, hair and teeth fall out, blood clotting is bad or prostate inflammation occurs. It is also worth to use the infusion of currant leaves when you want to regulate the work of your kidneys or cleanse your body of toxins.

Blackcurrant - source of vitamin C

In 100 g of blackcurrant there is more vitamin C than in most other fruits (as much as 181 mg). Only rose fruits contain more of it. It is recommended to take 70 mg of this vitamin daily. As it is not difficult to calculate, 100 g of blackcurrant will almost double the daily demand for it.

Blackcurrant - source of antioxidants

Flavonoids contained in blackcurrant purify the body of toxins, which helps to avoid cancer and makes the body age slower. Thanks to them it is possible to stabilize blood pressure, slow down atherosclerosis and even normalize cholesterol in blood. Flavonoids can even cope with lead and cadmium, which greatly facilitates their removal from the body.

Flavonoids include, for example, myricetine, campherol or catechin. However, there are three others that have the best health effects:

- Rutin - strengthens and seals blood vessels and helps to absorb vitamin C;

- anthocyanins - have an antibacterial effect and help to get rid of stomach problems thanks to the fight against E.coli bacteria;

- quercetin - cleanses the urinary tract and has an anti-allergic effect.


Blackcurrant - recipes

Blackcurrant juice


  • 1 kg blackcurrant
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • approx. ½ glass of boiled water

The currants must be washed and cleaned. Then put them into a pot, pour water and boil. As soon as the currants start releasing the juice, add sugar.

When currants boil down so that there is a lot of juice in the pot, remove them from the fire and pour them through a strainer. Then pour the juice into the bottles quite efficiently and turn them off properly. It can be diluted before administration to the child.

blackcurrant juice

Blackcurrant jam


  • blackcurrants (uncleaned) - 2 kg
  • cane sugar - 600 g

At the beginning, currants must be washed and cleaned.

Then it is best to place them in a flat pot and pour 200 g of sugar, which in about an hour should make them start releasing juice.

Then add the rest of the sugar and fry for about half an hour (no lid, small fire). Remember to mix the jam from time to time with a wooden spoon.

Put boiled jam into previously prepared jars, turn it well and spasterize.

Blackcurrant tincture - Smorodinówka


  • blackcurrant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 30 dag
  • pure vodka - 0,5 l
  • spirit - 0,5 l

Wash the currant thoroughly, taking care to remove the petioles. Pour everything into a large vessel and knead it so that 1/3 of the whole remains unchanged. Then pour sugar over the whole thing and pour vodka and spirit. Put it in a warm and dark place for about two weeks. Shake the dish every day. This will make the sugar dissolve better. After two weeks, strain the whole thing and pour it through a thick sieve and into bottles. Set aside for another two months.

blackcurrant liqueur

Blackcurrant wine

In order to obtain a wine with a power of 15%, it is necessary to prepare it:

  • 5 kg of blackcurrant
  • 2,8 kg sugar
  • 4.8 l of water
  • wine yeast
  • medium and 2 ml of pectopol

Pour a litre of warm water over washed and crushed fruits. After cooling, add the pectopoly, which makes it easier to obtain the must. After 24 hours, the must is squeezed and poured into the balloon, yeast and medium are added. Divide the sugar and water into two portions, add the first immediately and the second after a week. After 7 weeks pour off the liquid that is above the sediment. Repeat the next task after two months. After these treatments add sugar syrup.


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